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How to Build Trusted AI (Karen Jensen)

Submitted by: Karen Jensen Siri, Sophia, Grace, Alexa, Cortana – the voices of Artificial Intelligence platforms are overwhelmingly created with a female sounding voice. Is this an example of how to build Trusted AI? Big Tech companies tell us that research (sometimes...

WiCyS Annual Conference (Dawn Kristy)

We Did It! The WiCyS Annual Conference 2021 met live on September 8 through 10 in Denver!  Women in CyberSecurity (aka WiCyS) just wrapped up a live annual conference in Denver that exceeded everyone’s expectations! To capture the essence of #WiCyS2021, one must feel...

picoCTF impresses at the Women in Cybersecurity Conference

Historically, the cybersecurity industry has been overwhelmingly male. A reportOpens in new window by Cybersecurity Ventures said that in 2019, females represented 20 percent of the global cybersecurity workforce, up from 11 percentOpens in new window six years...

All about My First Cybersecurity Conference (Kate Esprit)

Submitted by: Kate Esprit Overview Last week, I was one of the lucky 1,500 women to attend the annual conference hosted by Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS), a global organization dedicated to the recruitment, retention and advancement of women in the cybersecurity...