AWS Executive Security


Senior and Executive WiCyS Members: Experience what it takes to lead a secure cloud journey for your organization


2022 Dates Coming Soon!


AWS Executive Security Simulation

The AWS Executive Security Simulation takes WiCyS members that are Senior Executives and IT/ Business Leaders through an experiential exercise that illuminates the key decision points of a successful and secure cloud journey. During the team-based, game-like competitive simulation you will leverage an industry case study to make strategic security, risk and compliance time-based decisions and investments. Participants will experience the impact of these investments and decisions on the critical aspects of their secure cloud adoption.

This workshop is designed for executives who are leading the Cloud Transformation Journey, including the CISO/ CIO/ CTO/ CRO, Senior Security and Risk management Leaders, Legal and Compliance. Non-IT participants and Business Unit Leads who are key to executing the Cloud Strategy are also encouraged to attend. The goals are to come away with an understanding of the major success factors to build Security, Risk and Compliance in the cloud, learn applicable decision and investment approaches to specific secure cloud adoption journeys and walk through real-life examples and practical advice by the AWS security experts who will translate lessons learned in the simulation.

Event Details

  • The AWS Executive Security Simulation is geared towards senior to executive-level members.
  • This is a 4 hour event that requires full participation and video to be turned on.
  • Please note, you cannot exit and re-enter once the event has started.
