Senior Leaders Luncheon ANd workshops

March 17, 2022 from Noon to 6:30pm

Invite only event for SENIOR LEADERS


INVITE ONLY: Senior Leader Luncheon and workshops at Women in CyberSecurity (WiCyS 2022)

  • In-person March 17, 2022 from Noon – 6:30pm
  • Attendees: Senior Leader Conference Attendees
  • Location: Cleveland Convention Center, Cleveland, Ohio
  • Host: WiCyS Organization

Schedule of Events

Noon – 1:30pm          Luncheon and Networking
2:00pm – 4:00pm      Workshop
4:00pm – 4:30pm      Break with Refreshments
4:30pm – 6:30pm      Workshop

Bridging the Board Communication Gap: The Security Executive’s Communication Playbook to Make Cybersecurity a Priority
Ashley Rose, Living Security and Ashley Pontius, Dialog Lab

Recent data breaches and ransomware attacks have made it clear to company executives that cybersecurity attacks are something they can’t ignore. Yet security professionals still have trouble gaining buy-in from the board for large-scale cybersecurity initiatives, including impactful employee training programs. In this workshop Ashley Rose, the CEO of Living Security will provide tips on how CISO’s can make certain that board members understand that cybersecurity is not ‘just an IT issue’, but rather an important part of an organization’s broader risk management plan. Topics will include tips for providing the right metrics to connect with results driven executives, educating board members on the real risks, the questions board members really want answered, and creating a unified message that resonates across the organization so that everyone is invested in cybersecurity.

From Inclusion to Support: How Women in Leadership Positions Can Contribute to the Strengthening of the Female Leadership Pipeline
Aparna Ash Himmatramka, Microsoft and Patricia Donnellan, Microsoft

Many women in senior or executive level positions in their company are looking for ways to contribute to the development of aspiring women leaders in their organization but fear appearing heavy handed about this or seen as waving the pink flag. For anyone who has thought that, this workshop is tailored for them. Know that every women leader at every level in every organization can make an impact. For a relatively newer field like cybersecurity, this impact can be doubled. Through hands-on activities, this workshop will demonstrate how to help more women accelerate their careers by turning a spotlight on their successes and capabilities.

This workshop will bring forth these ideas in a five-step approach that any female leader can follow to contribute to the growth of other women pinning for leadership roles. Participants will take a comprehensive look at the hard facts on why women leaders need to help other women, what barriers they need to be overcome as well as five leveraging tools to create an action plan on an individual, community and corporate level and review the common pitfalls to ensure that any actions maximize the impact to the community and professional organization.  

2022 Conference Sponsors

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AWS Logo
Cisco Logo

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 Platinum Sponsors

Goldman Sachs

GOLD Sponsors


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