Calendar of Events

Amazon Webinar | Why is Continuous Compliance Important?

In this chalk talk, learn why continuous compliance is important and how WiCyS strategic partner AWS validates our compliance internally with Annie Chatterji. We discuss the basics of continuous compliance, how it relates to our AWS environment as we conduct over 300+ audits a year, and some of the common use cases aligned to the […]

Aleria Webinar | Phase 2: CyberSecurity Industry-Wide Inclusion Benchmark

Join one of our information sessions to learn about participating in the next phase of the State of Inclusion of Women in Cybersecurity. Each session will provide an overview of the project and will include a live Q&A to address any questions about this opportunity. Attendance is free and open to any organization interested in […]

WiCyS Australia Affiliate | Virtual Meet &Greet

Here's your opportunity to network with like-minded individuals who work in the field of, or are interested in cybersecurity. Meet our team! Get to know the board members of WiCyS […]


Microsoft Webinar | Securing CI/CD Pipelines

Join WiCyS's strategic partner Lara Goldstein from Microsoft to learn best practices for securing CI/CD pipelines to prevent software supply-chain attacks. Register HERE.

LockHeed Martin Webinar | Elevating your Pitch

When interactions can be quick, virtual, or based on text, how do you represent yourself? Learn how to convey your best self in person, on social media, and with your […]