
of Events

Calendar of Events

Submit local events directly to the website. Once an event is submitted, it will go through a quick review process and then be posted to the website’s event calendar and be added to the newsletter, news bytes and our newest publication “upcoming events”.

Access the form and calendar here –

Post on social media and tag us!

Tag @WiCySorg and @lynn_dohm on Twitter and we will help further the outreach for each event.

Affiliate Highlights

WiCyS Global wants to highlight you! This is your opportunity to showcase your talent, have member spotlights, highlight your past events, and promote your upcoming events. By being published in the National newsletter, it gives your affiliate credibility when seeking sponsorship and helps you grow your member base. The WiCyS Global newsletter goes out once a month. 

If interested in highlighting one of your members or your affiliate, please email the following information to [email protected]:

  • Suggested title of the article block

Article block body:

  • Between 570-600 characters (with spaces)
  • Written in the third person
  • If you are highlighting a member include their headshot as well

Please note: We anticipate highlighting two to three affiliates per newsletter.  After January, we will keep a monthly list of which affiliate/member is being highlighted in our monthly meeting agenda. Due to the constraints of the article block, some submissions might be slightly modified to be spaced appropriately.


If you would like WiCyS to publish and promote YOUR blog, please email Lynn at [email protected].

  • Added to WiCyS website
  • Promoted via social media
  • Added to our newsletter

Affiliate/Global Shared Content

Organized by month –